Válečný Historie materiálu pro ochranu proti kulkám a výbuchům Od desky k polymeru a nanočásticím, osobní neprůstřelná vesty ušla dlouhou cestu.
Military Anti-Stab Vests with Nanotube Coating A polyacrylate emulsion combines with nanotechnology for improved protective properties in combat gear, safety equipment, and packaging.
nanotechnologie Know-how pro polymerní tkaninu reagující na vnější stimuly Zkoumáním vlastností polymerů v mikroměřítku vědci vytvořili multi-citlivou textilii.
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Provides New Route to Colour Changing Materials Where would you apply nanotechnology so that a material could change colour?
Drones China’s Secret Supersonic High-Altitude Spy Drone The future of drone technology is very high and very fast.
Drones Advanced AI Allows for Synchronised yet Autonomous Drone Swarms Has the main challenge of drone swarms been solved?
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Enables Printed Electrical Circuits Made from Wood How nanotechnology can use wood to create ecologically sustainable circuit boards for the electronics industry.
nanotechnologie Nanotechnologie a vojenská technika budoucna Zkoumání toho, jak nanotechnologie ovlivní vojenskou techniku budoucnosti.
Military European Defence Sector Boosting Ammo Research & Production Europe is revitalising its defence sector in both supply and research.
nanotechnologie Nanotechnologie a námořnictvo Jak vojenští výzkumníci aplikují nanotechnologii ve válce na moři.
nanotechnologie Aramidové polymerní vlákno získává od Nanotech elektrickou vodivost Výzkumníci v oblasti nanotechnologií udělali objev, který bude mít významný dopad na trh supervláken.
Drony MIT vyvíjí pružné polymerové svaly na mini dronech Průlom v technologii konstrukce odolnějších dronu.
Polymers Polymer Know-How for Stimuli Responsive Fabric By examining polymer functions at a microscale, researchers have created a multi-responsive textile.
Nanotechnology The History of Bullet and Blast Proofing Personnel From plate to polymer to nanoparticle, personal body armour has come a long way.
Military Nanotechnology and Tomorrow’s Infantryman How will nanotechnology better protect and serve a regular soldier?
Nanotechnology The Importance of Satellite Protection How quantum dots and nanotechnology are making space safer.
Nanotechnology Aramid Polymer Fibre Gains Electrical Conductivity from Nanotech Nanotechnology researchers have made a discovery which will have a significant impact on the super fibre market.
Military Nanotechnology and the Navy How military researchers are applying nanotechnology in the war at sea.
Military Nanotechnology and Tomorrow’s Military Hardware An exploration of how nanotechnology will influence the military hardware of the future.
Drones Cheap Drones are Changing War and the Fate of Nations More than just a hobby, mass market drone production is the latest military technology.
Drones MIT Develop Resilient Polymer Muscles on Mini Drone Breakthrough made for tougher drone design.
Nanotechnology Why the Best Jet Fighter in the World Uses Nanotechnology Faster, more agile, more powerful, but most importantly hidden. Behind the design and raw materials of the F-35.