Drones The Progress Being Made in Counter-Drone Technology A brief look into anti-drone tactics and hardware design.
Nanotechnology Beyond Pigments: Nanotechnology Improves Colouring Nanostructuring can provide materials with strength, electro/thermal conductivity, UV resistance, and now also cheaper, longer lasting colour.
Military The War in Ukraine: A Conflict of Electronics How technology is changing tactics through improved digital intelligence gathering and interference.
Nanotechnology An Introduction to Nanomaterials as a Feedstock for Polymers A tale of tiny particles and how they have matched up with polymer manufacturing.
Drones How Navy Drones Have Changed Russia’s Black Sea Plans Technological advances have moved the so-called ‘drone war’ to sea. Could this shift the tide of war in Ukraine’s favour?
Nanotechnology The Tip of the Iceberg: Nanoclays as a Raw Material Nanoclays are already widely used as a raw material in manufacturing, but researchers are finding there is still more to come.
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology: A Greener Power and Raw Material If humankind’s biggest challenge is green energy production and environmentally friendly raw materials, then is nanotechnology the answer?
Drones Land Drones: Their Progress Towards the Battlefield With aerial drones being so popular and effective, where are all the land drones?
Drones How Microdrone Use is Growing at the Frontline in Ukraine A tiny drone can still pack a lot of power.
Drones Drone Weaponry Turns to Swarming Munitions Military strategists look to drones as the next, best way to destroy tanks.
Drones Are Cheap Drones the Best Defence for Future Conflicts? How low-cost drones could be a winning strategy in a war of logistics.
Drones Military Drone Production Goes Local The drone industry is on the move to where it needs to be.
Military Can the West Supply Ukraine with All the Artillery Shells it Needs? Does America and Europe have the supply capacity to help arm Ukraine? Can they even arm themselves?
nanotechnologie Epoxidové pryskyřice vylepšené nanotechnologií a banánovými listy Našel tento výzkum novou, přírodní a udržitelnou surovinu pro zlepšení epoxidových pryskyřic?
Drones How Drone Support is Improving Artillery Firepower The eyes in the sky are reinventing long range weaponry.
nanotechnologie Taktické vesty s nanomodifikovaným povrchem Polyakrylátová emulze v kombinaci s nanotechnologií pro lepší ochranné vlastnosti ve vojenské výstroji a bezpečnostním vybavení.
polymery Nedostatek nábojnic: problémy se surovinami a dodávkami Každá armáda potřebuje slušné zásobování surovinami.
Nanotechnology Epoxy Resins Boosted with Nanotechnology and Banana Leaves Has this research found a new, natural, and sustainable raw material for improving epoxy resins?
Drones AI Controlled Drones: A Step into the Unknown Are AI controlled drones a risk to human survival or a safer way to fight?
Military Developing an Exoskeleton: How Far Has Science Come? Do researchers possess the raw materials and technology to build a practical, body enhancing suit of armour?
Drones Collaborative Combat Aircraft: How Uncrewed Drones Will Fight The US military is researching drone capabilities without knowing where it will lead.
nanotechnologie Nanotechnologie umožňuje vyrábět tištěné elektrické obvody ze dřeva Jak může nanotechnologie využít dřevo k vytvoření ekologicky udržitelných desek plošných spojů pro elektronický průmysl.
Drony Pokročilá AI umožňuje synchronizované, ale autonomní roje dronů Byl vyřešen hlavní problém roje dronů?
Military Artillery Shell Shortages: A Raw Material & Supply Issue Every army needs a decent supply of raw materials.
Válečný Historie materiálu pro ochranu proti kulkám a výbuchům Od desky k polymeru a nanočásticím, osobní neprůstřelná vesty ušla dlouhou cestu.